Marshal Moncey

Marshal Bon Adrien Jeannot Moncey, Duke of Conegliano (1754-1842)


Argument of the Chapter
Marshal Bon Adrien Jeannot Moncey

         Early years. Service in Champagne-Infanterie regiment. Moncey as a deserter. Service in Royal gendarmerie. Dismissal from the service. Return to the Army.
        Revolution. Moncey as a battalion commander of the Western Pyrenees Army. Defensive battles at Chateau-Pignon. Grade of the brigadier-general. Campaign of 1794 in the Western Pyrenees against Spain.
        Strategic review of the campaign. The French intrusion into provinces Catalonia and Nawarra. Moncey as the divisional general. Break of the Spanish defensive lines. Plans of the Spanish counterattack. Changes in the Spanish command. The battle for the Urrutia emplacement. Plans for the new French offensive. Reaching the Spanish fortified lines d'Irun. Blocking of the Colouiera and Saint-Sebastien fortresses. Difficult maneuvers in mountains. Capture of the camp Saint-Marcial. Capitulation of the fortress Saint-Sebastien. The chaotic French retreat at Toulouse. Indecision of the Western Pyrenees Army command. Moncey as the Commander of the Western Pyrenees Army. Operative plans of the sides. Tactics of attacking columns. Break of the Spanish fortifications at Tassa. Defeating of the Filangieris grouping at Enguy. The battle for Roncevaux valley. Realization of the second stage of the French operational plan. Victories at Lecunaberry and Villanova. Bloody fight at Pampelune.
        Campaign of 1795. Position of the sides before the campaign beginning. The French attacks appear to beisolated and unmatched on time. The opponents flank tries to sweep. Capturing fortresses Vittoria and Bilbao. Signing of the Saint-Sebastien Armistice. Distemper in the Western Pyrenees Army. Intrusion into Nawarra. Organized Spanish retreat. Resolute offensive of the French. Spaniards evacuate Biscaye and Alava. The battle for the Ollareguy pass. Plans of intrusion into Old Castilia. Basel peace treaty. Return to Paris.
        Moncey as the Bayonne military district commander. Moncey as the commander of observation army in Brest. Suppression of revolt in Vandee. Description of battles in Vandee. Insurgent forces. Campaign in Vandee 1793. The generals Hoche and enu. Retaliatory mission of the general leber. Changes in insurgents command. Horrors of the civil war. Campaign of 1794 in Vandee. Dismissal from the army by political reasons in 1797. Participation in Brumair revolution.
        Rhenish campaign of 1800. Conflict between Bonaparte and the Rhenish Army commander general Moreau. Difficulties of the transference to Italy general Lecourbes Corps. Formation of the Reserve army. Monceys Corps crossing through Small Saint Bernard and Saint Bernard passes. Capture of jumping-off places on the river Poe northern coast. Regrouping the French forces. Operational plan of the First Consul. Stripping of the Rhinthal vicinities, capturing of Valteline. Plan of the Zisalpians republics occupation. Position of the sides. French attempts of the frontal attack. Victory at Pozzolo. Maintenance of the ferry through river Minchio. Bloodless victory at San-Marco. Moncey was outwitted by the Austrian commander Laudon. Analysis of Monceys actions in campaign of 1800-1801.
        Moncey as the assistant to the French Army commander in Zisalpians Republic. Inspector general of National Gendarmerie. rshal of the Empire. Pyrenees campaign. Operational plans of Napoleon. Intervention into Spain. The occupation of Basks provinces. Analysis of marshal Moncey actions in the beginning of campaign. General Schwartz. General offensive to Valence. Valences defense by the Spaniards. Unsuccessful storm. Victory at Almansa. The first siege of the Saragossa fortress.
        The British armys of general Moore maneuver to Sahugun. The plan of Napoleon. Actions inconsistency of the Grand Army Corpss commanders. The battle at Tudela. Beginning of the second siege of Zaragossa. Return to France. Posts in military authorities in Belgium. Repelling of the English landing in Antwerp. Objections against plans of Russian campaign.
        Campaign of 1814. Marshal Moncey as the commander of the National Guard. Success at Barriere Clichy. Defense of Paris. Renunciation of the Emperor. Refusal of participation in court martial of marshal Ney. Resignation and imprisonment. Return to power. The Spanish campaign of 1823. Transferring of Napoleons body into France. Death. Analysis of military leaders career of marshal Moncey.

Maps of the Chapter Marshal Bon Adrien Jeannot Moncey

1. Pyrenees, 1793 1795.
2. Crossing over Alps during in Italian campaign 1800.
3. Situation before the battle at Marengo (June 12, 1800).
4. Operation on the Walcheren island.
5. Paris, 1814.
6. Fortess Burgos.

Illustrations of the Chapter Marshal Bon Adrien Jeannot Moncey

1. Moncey as a young officer.
2. Portrait of chouans leader Bonchamps.
3. Portrait of general Gilly.
4. Portrait of general Monnier.
5. The Guard Gendarmeries uniforms:
     Elite gendarme, 1803;
     Elite gendarme, 1804 1806;
     Horse gendarme dOrdonnance;
     Foot gendarme dOrdonnance.
6. Portrait of marshal Moncey.
7. The Swiss Royal Guards uniforms:
8. Portrait of general Alvarez Castro.
9. Fight at fort Saint Vicente.
10. The Dukes of Conegliano Arms.
11. Duke of Conegliano.
12. Portrait of general Jose Palafox.
13. Portrait of general Colbert.
14. Portrait of general Aboville.
15. Portrait of general Soules.
16. Moncey during the defense of Paris.
17. Portrait of general Ballesteros.
18. Award for Estremadure campaign.
19. Portrait of general Corsin.
20. Portrait of general Riego.
21. Portrait of general Dumas.
22. Portrait of general Jamin.
23. Award of St.Vladimir.
24. Funeral of Emperor Napoleon I in Paris.
25. Marshal Monceys grave in Hotel of Invalides.

The structure of military-historical monograph
Military campaigns of Napoleons marshals

Chapter 1 marshal Jean Baptiste Jules Bernadotte, Prince of Ponte Corvo (1763-1844).
Chapter 2 marshal Louis Alexander Berthier, Prince of Neuchatel, Prince of Walange, Prince of Wagram (1753 1815).
Chapter 3 marshal Jean Baptiste Bessieres, Duke of Istria (1768-1813).
Chapter 4 marshal Guillaume-Marie-Anne Brune (1763-1815).
Chapter 5 marshal Victor Claude Victor-Perrin, Duke of Belluno (1764 1841).
Chapter 6 marshal Laurent Gouvion Saint-Cyr, marquess (1764-1830).
Chapter 7 Emmanuel Robert de Grouchy, marquess (1766-1847).
Chapter 8 marshal Louis Nicolas Davout, Duke of Auerstaedt, Prince of Eckmuhl (1770-1823).
Chapter 9 marshal Jean Baptiste Jourdan, count (1762-1833).
Chapter 10 marshal Francois Etienne Christophe Kellermann, Duke de Valmy (1735-1820).
Chapter 11 marshal Jean Lannes, Duke of Montebello (1769-1809).
Chapter 12 marshal Francois Joseph Lefebvre, Duke of Danzig (1755-1820).
Chapter 13 marshal Jacques-Etienne-Joseph-Alexander Macdonald, Duke of Tarente (1765-1840).
Chapter 14 marshal Auguste Frederic Louis de Viesse Marmont, Duke of Ragusa (1774-1852).
Chapter 15 marshal Andre Massena, Duke of Rivoli, Prince of Essling (1758-1817).
Chapter 16 marshal Bon Adrien Jeannot Moncey, Duke of Conegliano (1754-1842).
Chapter 17 marshal Adolphe Edouard Casimir Joseph Mortier, Duke of Treviso (1768-1835).
Chapter 18 marshal Joachim Murat, King of Naples (1767-1815).
Chapter 19 marshal Michel Ney, Duke of Elchingen, Prince of Moskwa (1769-1815).
Chapter 20 marshal Pierre Francois Charles Augerau, Duke of Castiglione (1757-1816)
Chapter 21 marshal Dominique-Catherine Perignon, marquis de Grenade (1754-1818).
Chapter 22 marshal Joseph Antoine Ponyatovsky, prince of Poland (1763-1813).
Chapter 23 marshal Jean-Mathieu Philiber Serurier (1742-1819).
Chapter 24 marshal Nicolas Jean de Dieu Soult, Duke af Dalmatia (1769-1851).
Chapter 25 marshal Louis Gabriel Suchet, Duke of Albufera (1770-1826).
Chapter 26 marshal Nicolas-Charles Oudinot, Duke of Reggio (1767-1847).

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