Marshal Perignon

Marshal Dominique Catherine Perignon, Marquis de Grenade (1754-1818)


Argument of the Chapter
Marshal Dominique Catherine Perignon

         Early years. Service in the Royal army. Service as aide-de-camp of Count Preissac. Political activity during the first years of Revolution. Service in the National Guards of Montech and the Upper Garonne. Membership in the Legislative Assembly. Participation in Military Committee together with Carnot and Lacuee. Resignation from the deputy post.
        Service in the East Pyrenees army. Perignon as a brigade chief. Promotion to brigade general and division general in 1793. Prelude to the campaign of 1793 in Pyrenees. Forces and plans of the sides. Opposition of Spanish commander Ricardos and French commander Flers. The battle at Mas-d'Eu. Evacuation of the French army camp at Perpignan. The Spanish offensive. Successful tactical maneuver of Dagodert. Drawn fight at Trouillas. Paranoid suspiciousness of Committee of Public Rescue. General Doppet, new commander of Eastern Pyrenees Army. Operational plans of the French. Changes in the French command.
        The campaign of 1794. New commander general Dugommier. Friendship between Perignon and Dugommier. The operational plan of Dugommier and Carnot. French offensive. The battle for the Saint-Christophe heights. Retreat of general La Unions Spanish Army. Defeat of prince Montforte's army in the Portell pass. The Eastern Pyrenees Army develops the success. The battle at Saint-Laurent-de-la-Muga. The Frenchmen exhaust. General Augerau. Victory over La Unions Spanish troops at Junquera. Capitulation of Bellegarde fortress. Break of the Spanish defense at Montagne Noire. Death of commander Dugommier. Perignon replaces Dugommier on commander post. Capture of Figuiere fortress.
        Spanish campaign of 1795. Encirclement of the rests of Spanish troops in the Rosas fortress. Description of the Rosas fortress. Unsuccessful counter maneuver of general OFarills Spanish group. Perignon managed to make the Spanish bourbons to conclude the Saint-Idelfonso agreement. Love scandal. Perignon as the Brest Coast Army commander. Perignon as a deputy of the Council of Five Hundred. Perignon as the commander the united army of Brest and Cherbourg coasts. Perignon as the ambassador in Spain.
        The Italian campaign of 1799. The Ligurain Respublics troops commander. General Jouberts offensive plan. Attack upon Acqui. Defeat at Novi. Captivity. Return to France. Perignon as the Toulouse military division commander. Dismissal from the armed forces. Perignon as the vice-president of the Senate. Titular Counselor of Bordeaux province.
        Marshals baton. Marshal Perignon as the governor of Parma and Plaisance. Count of Empire and military governor of Naples. The description of Neapolitan Army. The tiltle of Grand Dignitary of the Kingdom of Both Sicilias. Support of Louis XVIII. Napoleon excludes Perignon from the list of marshals. Perignon as the rquis of Granda. Death. Analysis of political and military leaders career of marshal Perignon.

Maps of the Chapter Marshal Dominique Catherine Perignon"

1. Pyrennes.
2. Pyrenees, 1793-1795.

Illustrations of the Chapter Marshal Dominique Catherine Perignon

1. Portrait of general Doppet.
2. Portrait of general Bonapate.
3. Portrait of general Dugommier.
4. Godoy (painted by Goya).
5. Portrait of general Scherer.
6. Portrait of general Suvorow.
7. The Austrian infantrymans uniform of general Froylichs force.
8. Portrait of general Dombrovsky.
9. Portrait of general Lariboissierre.
10. Portrait of general Melas.
11. Portrait of general Joubert.
12. Portrait of marshal Perignon.
13. Crowning of Napoleon (painted by David).
14. The Neapolitan Armys uniforms:
     Aide de camp;
     Horse gendarme;
     Foot gunner.
15. The Dukedom Berg contingents uniforms:
     Foot gunner.
16. Portrait of general Beauharnais.
17. The Arms of marquis Perignon.
18. Marshal Perignons grave.

The structure of military-historical monograph
Military campaigns of Napoleons marshals

Chapter 1 marshal Jean Baptiste Jules Bernadotte, Prince of Ponte Corvo (1763-1844).
Chapter 2 marshal Louis Alexander Berthier, Prince of Neuchatel, Prince of Walange, Prince of Wagram (1753 1815).
Chapter 3 marshal Jean Baptiste Bessieres, Duke of Istria (1768-1813).
Chapter 4 marshal Guillaume-Marie-Anne Brune (1763-1815).
Chapter 5 marshal Victor Claude Victor-Perrin, Duke of Belluno (1764 1841).
Chapter 6 marshal Laurent Gouvion Saint-Cyr, marquess (1764-1830).
Chapter 7 Emmanuel Robert de Grouchy, marquess (1766-1847).
Chapter 8 marshal Louis Nicolas Davout, Duke of Auerstaedt, Prince of Eckmuhl (1770-1823).
Chapter 9 marshal Jean Baptiste Jourdan, count (1762-1833).
Chapter 10 marshal Francois Etienne Christophe Kellermann, Duke de Valmy (1735-1820).
Chapter 11 marshal Jean Lannes, Duke of Montebello (1769-1809).
Chapter 12 marshal Francois Joseph Lefebvre, Duke of Danzig (1755-1820).
Chapter 13 marshal Jacques-Etienne-Joseph-Alexander Macdonald, Duke of Tarente (1765-1840).
Chapter 14 marshal Auguste Frederic Louis de Viesse Marmont, Duke of Ragusa (1774-1852).
Chapter 15 marshal Andre Massena, Duke of Rivoli, Prince of Essling (1758-1817).
Chapter 16 marshal Bon Adrien Jeannot Moncey, Duke of Conegliano (1754-1842).
Chapter 17 marshal Adolphe Edouard Casimir Joseph Mortier, Duke of Treviso (1768-1835).
Chapter 18 marshal Joachim Murat, King of Naples (1767-1815).
Chapter 19 marshal Michel Ney, Duke of Elchingen, Prince of Moskwa (1769-1815).
Chapter 20 marshal Pierre Francois Charles Augerau, Duke of Castiglione (1757-1816)
Chapter 21 marshal Dominique-Catherine Perignon, marquis de Grenade (1754-1818).
Chapter 22 marshal Joseph Antoine Ponyatovsky, prince of Poland (1763-1813).
Chapter 23 marshal Jean-Mathieu Philiber Serurier (1742-1819).
Chapter 24 marshal Nicolas Jean de Dieu Soult, Duke af Dalmatia (1769-1851).
Chapter 25 marshal Louis Gabriel Suchet, Duke of Albufera (1770-1826).
Chapter 26 marshal Nicolas-Charles Oudinot, Duke of Reggio (1767-1847).

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