Marshal Jourdan

Marshal Jean Baptiste Jourdan (1762-1833)


Argument of the Chapter
Marshal Jean Baptiste Jourdan

         Early years. Service in Auxerrois infantry regiment. Participation in the War for Independence of America. Resignation.
        Revolution. Jourdan as a captain of Limoges National Guard. Winter Campaign of 1792. Campaign of 1793. Participation in the battles at Jemappes and Neerwinden. Jourdan becomes brigade and division general. Post of Ardennes army Commander. Strategic survey of 1793 year campaign. Victories of general Dumurrier. Starnge war of the allies. Defense of Dunkirk. Success of Jourdan at Hondschoote. Victory at Wattignes. Relieving Maubeuge fortress. Jourdan as the savior of the Republic. Army Commander Rhein-and-Mosel army.
        Opening campaign of 1794. Forces and plans of the sides. Advance of the French at Namur. Funny capitulation of Charleroi fortress. Triumph at Flerus. New operation idea of Jourdan. The Austrians lose strategic initiative on the Nort-East theatre of operations. Occupation of Brussels. Dissipated strike: the armies of Jourdan and Pichegru act on different operation directions. The battle for fortification at Louvain. Evacuation of allys Expedition Corps under command of Duke of York. The brilliant constellation of French generals. Activization of Sambre-and-Maas army actions. False attack at Maastricht. The army of Jourdan is going to stretch its frontline. Assault of the Austrian defense positions at Aldenhoven. Capitulation of Maastricht. Preparation to crossing the Rhein.
        Rheinish campaign of 1795. Dislocation and plans of the sides. Seizure of bridgehead fortifications at Mainheim. Plans of the Austrians to counterstrike Jourdan. The lack of activities of Pichegru army. Mishap at Neuwid bridge. General Marceau. Retreat of Jourdan and Pichegru armies. Austrian attempts to relieve Mayence fortress. Peace treaty.
        Campaign of 1796. Forces and plans of the sides. Conquering of Holland. Advance at Franconia. New operation plan of the French. Rough tactical mistake of Jourdan. Victory at Forchheim. Defeat at Amberg and Wolfering. Fast retreat. Disorganization of Sambre-and-Maas army frontline. Resignation. A deputy of the Counsil of Five Hundred. Law of Jourdan-Delbrel about conscripts. Jourdan as the Danube Army Commander. General-Anvil. Austrian advance. Jourdan retreats to the crossings of Danube.
        Resignation by state of health. Conflict with the Directory. The Council of Five Hundred. New republican Decree of Jourdan. Brumair. Jourdan as the ambassador in Piedmont. Organization of military and civil life in Piedmont. Jourdan as the general-governor of Piedmont. Senator. Marshals baton. Marshal Jourdan as the general-governor of Naples.
        Chief military advisor of King Joseph. Events in Nawarra in 1808. Nonsensical plan of frontal advance at Madrid. Advance of British corps under command of Wellington. Big defeat at Talavera. Resignation. Being out of work. Return to Pyrenees in 1812. Campaign of 1813. General strategic situation on Pyrenees. Crushing defeat at Vittoria.
        Resignation. Transition to the side of Burbons. Death. Analysis of military leader's and political career of marshal Jourdan.

Maps of the Chapter Marshal Jean Baptiste Jourdan

1. The vicinities of Neerwinden.
2. The vicinities of Hondschoote.
3. The vicinities of Wattignes.
4. The theatre of operation in the Central Germany.
5. Battle at Tournay.
6. Battle at Flerus.
7. Battle at Aldenhoven.
8. Battle at Neuwied.
9. The vicinities of Francfort.
10. The campaign at Rhein.
11. Weissembourg lines.
12. Continuation of campaign on Rhine.
13. Battle at Wurtzburg.
14. Europe 1798.
15. Battle at Talavera.
16. Battle at Vittoria.

Illustrations of the Chapter Marshal Jean Baptiste Jourdan

1. Portrait of general Custine.
2. Portrait of general Houchard.
3. Seeing-off of the volunteers.
4. Portrait of general Dampierre.
5. The Austrian infantrymans uniform of general Chastellers regiment.
6. Portrait of general Pichegru.
7. Jourdan in the battle at Flerus.
8. Portrait of general DHautpolul.
9. Portrait of Archduke Charles.
10. Portrait of general Marceau.
11. Archduke Charles in the battle at Wurtzburg.
12. The French brigadier general, 1798 (painted by Bellange).
13. The French infantry, 1798 (painted by Bellange).
14. Portrait of Joseph Bonaparte.
15. Portrait of general Cassagne.
16. Portrait of general Janin.
17. The Arms of Jourdan.

The structure of military-historical monograph
Military campaigns of Napoleons marshals

Chapter 1 marshal Jean Baptiste Jules Bernadotte, Prince of Ponte Corvo (1763-1844).
Chapter 2 marshal Louis Alexander Berthier, Prince of Neuchatel, Prince of Walange, Prince of Wagram (1753 1815).
Chapter 3 marshal Jean Baptiste Bessieres, Duke of Istria (1768-1813).
Chapter 4 marshal Guillaume-Marie-Anne Brune (1763-1815).
Chapter 5 marshal Victor Claude Victor-Perrin, Duke of Belluno (1764 1841).
Chapter 6 marshal Laurent Gouvion Saint-Cyr, marquess (1764-1830).
Chapter 7 Emmanuel Robert de Grouchy, marquess (1766-1847).
Chapter 8 marshal Louis Nicolas Davout, Duke of Auerstaedt, Prince of Eckmuhl (1770-1823).
Chapter 9 marshal Jean Baptiste Jourdan, count (1762-1833).
Chapter 10 marshal Francois Etienne Christophe Kellermann, Duke de Valmy (1735-1820).
Chapter 11 marshal Jean Lannes, Duke of Montebello (1769-1809).
Chapter 12 marshal Francois Joseph Lefebvre, Duke of Danzig (1755-1820).
Chapter 13 marshal Jacques-Etienne-Joseph-Alexander Macdonald, Duke of Tarente (1765-1840).
Chapter 14 marshal Auguste Frederic Louis de Viesse Marmont, Duke of Ragusa (1774-1852).
Chapter 15 marshal Andre Massena, Duke of Rivoli, Prince of Essling (1758-1817).
Chapter 16 marshal Bon Adrien Jeannot Moncey, Duke of Conegliano (1754-1842).
Chapter 17 marshal Adolphe Edouard Casimir Joseph Mortier, Duke of Treviso (1768-1835).
Chapter 18 marshal Joachim Murat, King of Naples (1767-1815).
Chapter 19 marshal Michel Ney, Duke of Elchingen, Prince of Moskwa (1769-1815).
Chapter 20 marshal Pierre Francois Charles Augerau, Duke of Castiglione (1757-1816)
Chapter 21 marshal Dominique-Catherine Perignon, marquis de Grenade (1754-1818).
Chapter 22 marshal Joseph Antoine Ponyatovsky, prince of Poland (1763-1813).
Chapter 23 marshal Jean-Mathieu Philiber Serurier (1742-1819).
Chapter 24 marshal Nicolas Jean de Dieu Soult, Duke af Dalmatia (1769-1851).
Chapter 25 marshal Louis Gabriel Suchet, Duke of Albufera (1770-1826).
Chapter 26 marshal Nicolas-Charles Oudinot, Duke of Reggio (1767-1847).

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